Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project- II (UPHCSDP-II)
Narrative description of Project: Since 1998, the Local Government Division has been implementing Urban Primary Health Care Project with the support of Asian Development Bank and other development partners. Evolved from previous two projects, present Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project has been started in July, 2012 and will continue till Public – Private June, 2017. The project is a unique model partnership where Urban Local Bodies joined hands with the Non – government Organizations under partnership agreements for delivering Primary Health Care (PHC) services to the urban people, especially the poor, including women and children. Besides service delivery, the project is committed to scaling up standard of the Primary Health Care (PHC) (PHC) service delivery system in the urban area.
Visual Communication Ltd and Konika Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. in collaboration are carrying out the Social Marketing Activities of the Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Projetc-II
Visual Communication Ltd. is currently running:
- Electronic Campaign
- Design Development and Airing BCCM Information Ticker
- Development and Airing Radio Spots and TV Scroling
- Competition of Mobile SMS
- TV and Radio program on UPHCSDP-ll
- Airing animated logo and signature song
- Airing audio and video of celebrity/ community leader
- Social media activities throgh Face Book, You Tube and upload to website
- Develop and Implementation of Print Materials
- Branding guidline development
- Development and publication of articles
- Development and publication of print ads
- Development and production of interactive Booklet on SRH
- Design development and printing of project Newsletters
- Design, development and production of brochure, leaflet and door stickers
- Development & Implementation of out door media materials
- Design & development of Bill Board/Flexi sign/ Digital neon sign
- Installation of metal sign boards and rickshaw sign
- Organized Special day activities
- Community Mobilization
- Develoment and implementation of Theater show
- Organized rainbow promotional eassey contest/debet/cultural contest & maiking
- Capacity Building & Advocacy
- Conducted massage development workshop, Strategic Communication Workshop and Midterm revew meeting
- Conducted BCCM, IPC & advocacy training
- Conducted ULB meeting
- Conducted WUHCC orientation